Friday, January 31, 2014

Call of Duty vs Halo: Ultimate Game Battle!

Hey guys, this blog is going to be about a topic that is still pretty big. Do you like Halo or Call of Duty better? This is a pretty widespread question that people constantly ask. Personally, I like halo because of the storyline and all the awesome vehicles, compared with cod, which has no vehicles in MP and has a somewhat unappealing story (just an opinion).

From what I have read so far, cod has got far more sales, but Halo is still older, and since Halo was the first game to get on the original Xbox, Call of Duty probably owes its very existence on consoles to halo. Without halo, I am positive that everybody would still be playing cod on pc.

For Halo 4, a very important point is that it made $220,000,000 in the first day of launch just on Xbox 360, while Black Ops 2 needed PC, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PlayStation 3 to get $500,000,000 on launch day.

Halo 4 was, in fact, selected as game of the year, with there being a "Game of the Year" edition for sale, unlike Black Ops 2.

So what do you think? If you like, post your opinion in the comments.
#callofduty #halo #games

Sunday, January 19, 2014

XCOM Enemy Unknown does not support iPod 4g, but should

Hey guys, this blog is going to be about something different. It is going to be a complaint. You know XCOM Enemy unknown on the apple app store? Well, I installed it and it turns out that it is not compatible with the iPod touch 4g. I am really annoyed that 2k and Firaxis decided to totally single out people that refuse to buy a $500(Cha-ching!) shiny new iPad or an iPhone 5. It is quite disappointing, because there are a lot of people that cannot afford to buy a device for hundreds of dollars just to play this game.

My feeling is that apple and 2k/Firaxis are in cahoots, and because apple wants people to buy the latest devices so that they can play XCOM on mobile. I feel that this is so unfair for people that have a grain of sense and do not want to do this, like me, especially being a fan of so many 2k games including all 3 BioShocks, XCOM Enemy unknown and within on PC and Xbox 360, and Civilization IV and V.

So who's with me on this??? Post what you think in the comments, and maybe if this gets enough attention, 2k will decide to support older iPod touches! Bye for now ;)