Monday, October 20, 2014

Borderlands the Pre Sequel: What I know so far

Hey guys! I heard that the new Borderlands game just came out, and have been able to learn a thing or two from the internet about what it's like. Here I'll just tell you everything I know so far about the game!

The gameplay seems to be about the same as borderlands 2. The upgrade tree, the combat, the look and feel of the HUD, everything. If there is one thing I admire about this, however, it is that the devs live by the saying "don't fix what isn't broken". It's true that borderlands 2's gameplay is really awesome with the looting and quest systems, so there really wasn't anything that needed to be changed.

Claptrap returns as a playable character.
The game is set on Pandora's moon, Elpis. On the moon, there are tons of colorful and deadly aliens that want to eat (or melt) your face off. To counter this, the game has new laser and cryo weaponry that will incinerate or freeze enemies in place!

Fighting a giant metal monster of death, with hyperion's massive space
station in the distance.
The main differences besides the enemies are that on Elpis, there is much less gravity, so you can jump much higher and perform a butt slam on your enemies down below. No, seriously! One of the things that makes more of an impact on the game is that since you're on a moon that has no breathable air, you have to carry an O2 tank everywhere with you. It is constantly draining while you are on the surface, but killed enemies drop O2 as often as ammo or cash.

Despite all this, one of the wackiest things about this game is that one of the playable characters is Claptrap. Yes, Claptrap. LOL. His only special ability is causing random things in the environment to change and causing general chaos. I thought that this was so hilarious, and you can check out what I mean here.

Finally, the story. The game shows Handsome Jack's rise to power, and you know how you fight wilhelm in borderlands 2? Well, he's a playable character in borderlands the pre sequel. Awesome right? I'm not really sure of the little details, only the big picture.

This was my first crack at a "what I know so far" post, so if you want then leave a comment below on how I did! (don't be shy people, it only takes 30 seconds)


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