Assault Rifles
Okay, this was a really, really hard choice for me, because 5 out of 6 of the assault rifles in AW are totally awesome. What's not to love about this gun? It boasts a damage of 14 which is at least 3 higher than any of the other AR's, and is so powerful that it kills with one burst at close range and can fire multiple in quick succession, not to mention the fact that the weapon is pretty much a laserbeam at long range and is more accurate than most sniper rifles, along with having amazing iron sights (although it is sometimes good to replace them with a hybrid to take advantage of the weapon's superior range). And if this weren't enough, the IMR 3D prints it's own ammunition at a rate of 4 rounds every 5 seconds! Scavenger won't be needed when you're rocking this beast. And did I mention that I also have the gun in diamond? I'm also working on a BCS for the IMR so keep on the lookout for that!
Submachine Guns
The ASM1
If you're a normal cod player then this shouldn't surprise you at all. The ASM1 is unmatched in power and accuracy for an SMG, plus it has truly fantastic iron sights. I also got the elite Speakeasy in my supply drop yesterday and it has +2 fire rate and comes with a free extended mag from the drum mag! It also looks awesome because I put the diamond camo on it (A lot of the weapons on this list I like so much that I have them in diamond).
(pic creds: Drift0r)
In my opinion the MORS is far superior to anything else in its category. A fantastic scope, low sway and high accuracy make for a truly deadly long-range weapon. Although it doesn't handle objective-based game modes very well, it makes up for that by just being an excellent all-around sniper rifle. This is also the weapon of choice for quickscopers because of the variable zoom attachment and the fact that it just feels really comfortable doing so, in which it bears a strong resemblance to the Ballista from Black Ops 2. I do not yet have the gun in diamond, although I'm working hard towards it! Although I do love the Atlas 20mm and won a free-for-all match just using it, I still think that the MORS is superior because of its versatility.
(pic creds: Drift0r)
Sniper Rifles
Heavy Weapons
The Ameli
For the heavy weapons, I chose the Ameli because it's pretty powerful and handles slightly better than any of the other heavy weapons IMO, plus I have a professional variant called the subverter that increases the damage by 2 but cuts the clip size in half. Remember when I said that the LMG's suck in advanced warfare? Well, turns out I was wrong because these weapons CAN be competitive with SMG's and AR's if you use them well. The major issue is that they're super ssllooww. Reloading, aiming, and even moving are so sluggish with these weapons equipped, and the whole point of Advanced Warfare's superior movement is to be faster than the competition. It's not like these weapons are even being used in the way they were intended anymore to cover objectives because of the even greater fear of being attacked from behind.
The RW1
Okay guys, you knew this one was coming. The RW1 is basically unmatched in power for a secondary weapon and can usually kill in one shot. Although it isn't recommended to use it instead of a primary weapon, an RW1 still makes for a fantastic backup weapon at the last second if your primary weapon runs dry. I'm also the proud owner of an elite RW1 Rail Driver, which gets +3 damage at the cost of -3 accuracy. Just don't try to use this one for sniping, the Guardian and Holiday are way better for that.
Heavy Shield
This is probably the most useful special which isn't saying much, because the MDL totally sucks. It can be useful for guarding objectives and tight hallways, although an exo shield can be used to achieve the same goal while not taking up your primary weapon slot. It can take a lot of damage that would have otherwise been taken by your teammates, so it's sorta useful, I guess.
Well, there you have it! I hope your curiosity about my favorite weapons has been quenched (for now), and check back here on the ShadowHawk Tech Blog to see my next Best Class Setup!
Later gamers!