Monday, February 9, 2015

What Do You Think Evolve Will Be Like?

Evolve Box Art.pngWhat's going on guys, I'm back! Today we'll be discussing the new game that's coming out tomorrow, Evolve. So, let's get started!

From the look of it, Evolve is some sort of team FPS game where the humans try to fight and kill the aliens, and each side has 4 players. You also have the ability to customize and "evolve" your alien if you want, so that it will be more effective in a specific combat situation. That sounds pretty good to me from the alien point of view, but of course you can also customize your alien hunter with different armor and weapons to better suit your preferences.

A survival mode will probably make its way to the game, where four players will team up as soldiers to fight off wave after wave of vicious aliens. While this might be cool, my first thoughts on it were that it might be kind of generic to fight the same hordes of enemies over and over again until you are killed.

The only other mode I've heard about so far is Hunt, where there's one monster that is trying to destroy a power relay on the map and the Hunters have to try to kill it before it succeeds. This sounds pretty interesting to me.

There's also four different classes for hunters: Assault, Trapper, Medic and Support. Assaults try to focus on straight-up killing the monster, Trappers attempt to capture the monster with traps placed on the ground, Medics heal the team (what else?), and Supports use miscellaneous abilities like temporary invisibility to keep their fellow squadmates from becoming alien chow.

As far as I know, the game will only be on PC, Xbox One, and PS4, so the graphics could be top-notch.

So what are your thoughts on the new game? Will it be revolutionary in gaming, or more of the same?

Don't forget to like and follow for more awesome stuff like this, and I'll see you later on ShadowHawk Gaming!

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