Friday, February 6, 2015

Top 5 Reasons Why Destiny Was A Failure

Destiny. When I saw the trailers and played the beta in July, I was sure that it would be the best game ever. It was supposed to change the course of gaming history, but in my opinion fell flat in every way possible for a game. Today I'll be discussing why Bungie dropped the ball on their latest game and threw away their entire reputation and good name (despite a $500,000,000 budget, are you kidding me?)

(disclaimer: this is my opinion, yours may differ. You may think that Destiny is the best game in the world, so please don't hate on this post, thank you)

1. Totally Boring

Okay, let's get this straight: every story mission is exactly the same. You kill some aliens, let your ghost out to fix some crap or something, you defend him, then you kill some more aliens, and this basically repeats itself over and over. The only reason I ever suffered through this garbage is to get to level 20 so I could be a legit player in the Crucible, the only good part of the game if you ask me. What happened here? Why can't Bungie with their "legendary" storytelling skills develop interesting story missions like in Halo, with one warthog mission, one run and gun mission, one stealth mission, one flying mission, you get the picture. What's more, there are NO interesting characters in the game. In Halo, the bond between Cortana and Master Chief is strong, and there is Halsey, Noble Team, so many characters that you actually come to care about. Another major problem is that there is no significant antagonist in the game, so you never feel like there's any incentive to keep on killing the same boring enemies over and over, AND Bungie winged it on the final boss battle with three of the exact miniboss, and one that you already fought earlier in the game! Oh and by the way, there are only 3 vehicles in the game, one of which can't shoot and another that's totally unusable in the story missions. WHY?

2. Random Loot System

You know how in games like Diablo 3, Skyrim, and Borderlands you get decent compensation for your efforts? Well too bad, because in Destiny Bungie decided to put a dumb random number generator into the game so at the end of a strike, story mission, or crucible (multiplayer) match, there's a good chance that you'll get absolutely nothing and your friends will get the best crap in the game. This is probably the biggest reason that I quit the game, and the only way players get the stuff they want is by grinding and killing the same enemies over and over in certain locations, which is really sad because I tried to play the game the way it was supposed to be played and got totally screwed over, so goodbye.

(can you believe that the game used to be able to give you an item from an engram that is a lower level than the color of the actual engram? Stupid, right?)

3. Tiny Environments

When I first heard about Destiny, Bungie said so many things about what you could do in the game that were pretty much all lies. For example, they told us that you would be able to explore the entire planet and discover new bosses and loot. Well, what we got was a tiny spot on each planet that we could "explore" and just go to places that everyone else has been already, and the few loot crates that actually spawned just contained useless materials that you need 50 of to trade for anything useful. What's even more stupid is that at the start of story missions, you always go to that EXACT spot and travel the EXACT same direction every time to get to the place you want to go. It's not Elder Scrolls, where you actually get to choose which path you take to get to your objective, in Destiny it's set in stone every single time, making the game even MORE boring. By the way, the crap that is Destiny requires EXTENSIVE use of CAPITAL LETTERS to explain properly. Also, they told us that you would be able to free-fly around the solar system, have dogfights with other players and land on planets like in Ratchet and Clank, A Crack In Time, but of course this somehow didn't make it into the game.

4. No Randomly Generated Weapons

Good luck getting this thing.
Okay, this was a huge deal in my opinion because I play Borderlands 2, so I was expecting that the guns that you can pick up are randomly generated and each look unique and awesome in their own way. Needless to say, here's yet another thing that sucks about Destiny, and it doesn't help that the only guns that have somewhat different models are the exotics, which you have to grind for 100+ hours just to get. Really Bungie? So you're telling me, that instead of playing a well-designed, fun and rewarding game like Skyrim or Battlefield 4, I have to keep repeating the same braindead tasks over and over just to get something that's worth having? No, just no. That's not gonna happen.

5. Terribly Told Story

Pretty much everyone will agree with me here- Destiny's story falls totally flat, with no likeable or memorable characters that are so monotone and boring that there is literally no way that I could ever give a **** about any of them. What's more, the way the game tells you what is going on and why you should care is pretty much so subtle that you can't even figure out what the frick is happening in the world(s) around you. Sure, the Grimoire on has pretty much everything you need to know, but none of it is even in the game! There's absolutely NO reason for this to have been the case, especially because Destiny is an always-online game, is it really so hard to add the grimoire into the actual game? This doesn't feel immersive at all and a really poor decision especially coming from legendary bungie. Another one of the game's biggest problems is that it doesn't have any significant protagonist that the missions build up to and make you feel like what you're doing is actually worth the effort. In Borderlands 2 we had Handsome Jack (the best villain), Diablo 3 we had Diablo, and Skyrim we had Alduin, but there isn't anything that counts as a main bad guy of sorts, and the enemies are all just grunts that try to kill you for no reason from the look of it.

Ultimately, Destiny just leaves you to make your own crappy story by repeating the same missions over and over and grinding the **** out of everything in the game. None of the characters are unique or have personalities, and the aliens are no exception. They just look different. I didn't know it was possible for a game to have such a terrible storyline, but Destiny did it (Call of Duty has a better story lol!)

Well, I hope you guys liked this blog post, and be sure to drop a +1 or follow me for more swag gaming content, and with that, STAY AWESOME!

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