Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Custom Class: Deadeye

Hey guys! This is my third custom class, and I've got the hang of it! Today's class focuses on the single shot power of the two railgun weapons in the game, the MORS sniper rifle and the RW1 pistol. They are both very powerful weapons that can be used very effectively in a class, just like this-

Primary: MORS with Ballistic CPU
Secondary: RW1 with ACOG Scope

Perk 1: Low Profile and Lightweight
Perk 2: Fast Hands and Cold Blooded
Perk 3: Toughness

Wildcards: Perk 1 Greed, Perk 2 Greed

Exo Ability: Exo Cloak
Exo Launcher: None

Scorestreaks: UAV with Support Mod

So first, the MORS was an obvious choice for me because it is (in my opinion) the only sniper that isn't crap, with the Lynx taking too many shots to kill, the NA-45 being too finicky, and the Atlas 20mm leaving me feeling like I was noobtubing with a frickin' sniper rifle! The Ballistic CPU isn't totally necessary, but it does help to keep the sway down a bit so you don't have to hold your breath every time you want to fire, which detracts from the ease of quickscoping.

The RW1 is a super powerful pistol that does even more damage per shot than a sniper rifle (WTF?). The iron sight totally sucks, which made it really hard for me to get any kills with it. I feel like the ACOG scope gives the gun a classic heavy pistol feel, just like the .44 magnum with an ACOG scope did in Ghosts.

Low Profile is important for snipers, because it lets them stay hidden from pesky UAV's at the corners of the map while they do their camping. Lightweight is kinda useful because it lets you move faster, allowing you to evade pursuit and get to a new position approximately 7% faster.

Fast Hands is really handy (pun intended) because you can whip out your pistol while in close quarters twice as fast as you could before, and then back again when you moved into an open area. Cold Blooded is absolutely vital for anyone who wants to get serious about sniping and staying hidden. It completely conceals you from the advanced targeting sensors of scorestreaks, threat grenades, thermal scopes, target enhancers, and many more. People can still spot you normally, but they wasted an attachment slot on an advanced scope! PSYCHE!

Toughness is just useful because you flinch less when shot, allowing you to stay more on target when under fire from your enemy.

The Exo Cloak is pretty useful because it makes you *that* much harder to spot when in a dark area. The reason I say that is because when you're out in the open with it activated, people can still see a clear shimmering in the air, so in this scenario you're no better off with your cloak activated than without it!

If you're following my previous custom class blogs and you know how I roll, then you also know that the UAV is my all-time favorite scorestreak. It's cheap, quick to activate, it's autonomous (no standing on the ground using a tablet and getting stabbed in the back), and it just does so much good for your team, not to mention that you also get FREE points for kills that your teammates get while your UAV is active! It may not get kills itself, but the capabilities it grants your entire team go far beyond what any lethal scorestreak has to offer in my view.

Well, I hope you guys liked my 3rd Advanced Warfare Custom Class, and check back soon for more epicness!

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