What I think...
Of the Multiplayer
The multiplayer is the only thing I've played so far. It is pretty good with the map design and weapons, although sniper rifles are still pretty underpowered (even more so than in ghosts). The maps usually favor SMG's and assault rifles in their numerous tight corners and corridors. When you start playing, the first thing you'll notice is that the game is quite similar to black ops 2 in a lot of ways. First, the scorestreaks have returned, so you can get points from various actions towards your next streak by doing other stuff besides geting kills. The UAV has also returned! Forget that stupid SAT COM, we love the UAV! Other guns that are returning from previous call of duties are the AK12 (yay!) Ameli, MK14, and exploding crossbow from BO2.
Other stuff returning from Black Ops 2
The scorestreaks in this game include becoming a walking tank (right), firing a giant death laser from the sky at your enemies (XS1 Vulcan), and getting to fire a massively powerful cannon from a gunship that shoots in a large spread (The Paladin). While all of this sounds awesome on paper, it actually isn't really. Killstreaks are so rare in advanced warfare that you probably will never get to use the paladin or any of those more powerful streaks.
If you are a total freaking hacker, though, there are 2 hidden killstreaks in multiplayer. The Tactical Nuke that is returning from Modern Warfare, and the DNA bomb (sorta like a chem strike in ghosts, I think), although I've never seen either used in the game before. The Nuke requires a 25 killstreak to obtain, which can also be completed using other killstreaks, while the DNA bomb requires a 30 GUNSTREAK to get. Yeah, you heard me right. I mean, seriously. How is that even possible?
(Video Creds: Ali-A. By the way, go check out his channel, its beast!)
(Video Creds: Ali-A. By the way, go check out his channel, its beast!)
And what about the unlock system? The unlocking is quite similar to MW2 and MW3, where you have to get kills with a weapon to unlock its attachments. To use a certain weapon, you must first get to a certain rank and unlock it.
Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed my (super long) review of Advanced Warfare! Check back later, because I'll be adding sections talking about the Campaign and Exo Survival!
Be sure to like it up, follow, and tell your friends if you enjoyed this post, and I'll continue to post stuff like this! Also check +Ryan Goheen's blog for his review too! Here's his link:
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