Monday, December 1, 2014

Kingdom Rush Trilogy- Easy to Play, Hard to Master

Sup guys, it's Josh here with another app review! This time, I will be discussing the Kingdom Rush trilogy, because a new one (Origins) just came out. All three games are mostly the same, but they're all really fun. So, let's talk about how the game plays-

This game is reviewed on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 (Android)

Four different enemy attack routes, all at once.
Pretty insane. (Kingdom Rush Origins)
Like I said before, all three of these games are pretty much the same. You've got different tower upgrades, different enemies, and different maps, but the gameplay is exactly the same. While this isn't a bad thing, I feel like they need to do something to mix it up to keep the fans interested in the series. There are other developers that I feel have been doing a much better job in the way of innovation, such as Foursaken Media, the creators of Block Fortress and Block Fortress War. (By the way, stay tuned for my block fortress and block fortress war reviews in the future!). 

So in case you didn't know, the game is a Tower Defense game. Waves of enemies march along a set path, and you must kill them using towers that can be built at predetermined locations on the map. There are four different types of towers that you can build; Archers, which shoot arrows rapidly and kill flying enemies quickly, Barracks, which deploy troops that block ground-based enemies, Cannons, which launch bombs that do damage over a large area, and Mages, which fire energy bolts that pierce any sort of physical armor your enemies may have. 

Buccaneer Dens have pirates for hire, in case you're
willing to spare the gold. (Kingdom Rush Frontiers)
You earn gold by killing enemies which is necessary for building more defenses, and you start out with 20 lives. Most enemies will only take up 1 life if they make it through your defense, but some take 3, 5, or even 20 for bosses! You also get a hero, which you can move around the battlefield at will and attack enemies with much greater strength than a regular barracks-trained soldier. There are also additional elements to the levels which radically change the strategy that is needed to pass, such as buildings that train pirates to help you fight the enemies, or mushrooms that you can tap on to slow down any nearby enemies. I really like this aspect of the game, and it seems to be present in almost every single level.

Tunnels can be used to travel between different points on a
map. (Kingdom Rush)
You are also given a few different heroes, which you can switch out whenever you want. They are all really unique, like one that summons sand warriors from the ground, or even one that teleports and launches shadow clones to kill enemies! In Frontiers and Origins, you earn hero points from winning levels, which you can then spend to upgrade your hero's stats or give him/her special abilities.

As you can see, the game also has really cool cartoon-style graphics, which look fantastic on tablets. There are also words that appear when an enemy is killed, like "sok!" when one of your soldiers attack an enemy, or "oof!" when a foe is killed by an arrow from one of your archers.

How Much Does it Cost?

Kingdom Rush costs $0.99.
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers costs $2.99.
Kingdom Rush: Origins costs $2.99.

So, for $7 (at normal price), you can experience one of the very best strategy games on mobile that I played. Kingdom Rush truly is something special!

I hope you guys enjoyed my review of the Kingdom Rush series, and make sure that you +1, follow, and comment to tell me what you'd like me to do next on my blog!

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